How to Pitch Story Ideas to Mark

So you're a public relations whizz and want to get your company, organization or client mentioned in my coverage?
Here are a few insider tips.
(Tip #1, of course, is to subscribe to this site, so you know what I write about!) 

Scroll down for the "MC Hotlist" of current assignments and coverage opportunities.

The MC Hotlist

Trips and Assignments with Coverage Opportunities

Here's a list of my current assignments and upcoming trips that may have coverage or interview opportunities. Please feel free to share any relevant pitches via email — MarkChesnut [@] (please note the correct spelling of "Chesnut" with no "t" in the middle!). 

Also, please note: I write about Mexico and the Caribbean every month, but I don't include Mexico in my Caribbean coverage, since we have separate dedicated sections for Mexico. 

• Iceland MICE-friendly hotels, venues and activities (Global Traveler; deadline January 31)

• What's new + unique experiences in Puebla, Mexico: (TravelAge West; deadline January 31)

• Wellness travel trends in the Caribbean (TravelAge West; deadline: February 5) 

• Hot travel trends in Central and South America — wellness, sustainability, foodie, personalized (TravelPulse; deadline: February 7)

• Hot new hotels in South America (TravelPulse; deadline February 10)

• Sober travel and amazing mocktails in Mexico (TravelAge West: deadline: March 5) 

• Great LGBTQ+ pride travel dupes - smaller cities with great pride celebrations (TravelPulse; deadline: March 5) 

Destination Visits with Coverage Opportunities

I'm also interested in news and ideas regarding the following places that I’ll be visiting soon (or have recently visited) on assignment:

• Bangkok (just got back; on assignment for Passport Magazine and still looking to include news)

• New Orleans (visiting in January on assignment for Passport & TravelAge West)

• Guadalajara (going in February on assignment for TravelAge West and Passport Magazine)

• Morelia, Mexico (visiting in February on assignment for TravelAge West)

• Berlin (May; looking for story ideas and angles)

• Denver (June; looking for story ideas and angles)

How to Get Featured: A Guide for PR Pros

How can I find out what you’re writing about?
• Subscribe to this website, so you can see what I write about.
• Follow me on social media (Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn), where I sometimes post calls for info. (Links are at the bottom and top of this page).
• Subscribe to TravMedia and/or Qwoted, where I also post calls for info.
• Ask me to put you on my "calls for info" list.
• I write mostly for travel trade media outlets, but also for consumer media. Among my main areas of focus: Mexico, the Caribbean, the rest of Latin America, LGBTQ+ travel and retail travel trends. 

What's the best way to submit?
E-mail, always e-mail. Send your press releases, as well as information that's specific to what I'm looking for. If you have high-resolution images, feel free to send them, or send a link where I can download them. Keep in mind that I receive dozens of press releases and pitches every week, so I likely won't be able to respond right away (and sometimes I won't have time to respond at all). 

Can you write a complete story focusing just on my client, product, service or destination?
Honestly, the answer is usually (but not always) no. Features that are focused solely on one business or destination are generally the result of a press trip or personal visit. If I've never experienced your client, your best bet is inclusion in one of my trend or roundup features. For those, I'm always looking for news, ideas and images (but they're very specific in focus, so it's still not guaranteed). And, of course, I'm open to press trips, too, when I'm able to confirm at least one assignment per trip. 

How do you decide whether you'll use what I submit?
I often receive an overwhelming response to my calls for info, so it can take me a while to determine what to include. Places and services that I’ve actually experienced get top priority, when appropriate. I generally will never be able to tell you immediately whether I can use what you sent, and I appreciate your patience!

Do you use interviews in your articles?
Take a look at what I write and you'll see the answer: it depends. For many types of assignments, I never use interviews. For others, I always do. I usually mention in my "calls for info" if I need interview subjects. No harm if you ask me, of course. 

Should I follow up immediately to ask if you’re going to use what I submitted?
No! Please no!! If you’ve just submitted something, for example, I won’t have made a decision — and if I’m on a tight deadline (which is usually the case) I likely won’t even have time to answer your question. Same goes for asking me a day or two after you've submitted. Or even the same week. I will do my best to advise you if I'm using what you sent, I promise. But asking me immediately will only take up your time and mine, and won't provide you with a definite answer.

How long will it take to see what I submitted in print?
Every publication and Website is different, of course. Publication dates aren't my decision — it's all up to the editors. It could be two weeks, it could be several weeks or several months. Publication dates are also subject to change. 

When should I follow up to see if the article has been published?
Let's be realistic. I'm very busy and so are you. I often don't have time to send out links once they're published (to be honest, I often don't even realize when something's been published). Here's the best way to know if my article featuring your client or company has been published: If you know the media outlet and the supposed publication date, you can save time if you do the same thing I do to find out: Search the media outlet's website. Even more importantly, you should subscribe to my updates here on this site — my articles in all media outlets automatically appear on this site, and will be sent to you via a weekly email. That way you'll never miss an article! Subscribing to my site is free, doesn't require registration, and you'll get a maximum of one update a week with all of my latest work. Isn't that fun?